          木人火 JungShiauLin-林榮烋-木人火-"Moon.Zhong.5.仁"-火星文-中正-林榮政(林榮烋's brother)-蔣中正-蔣孝文-蔣孝武-蔣經國-郭月星(林榮烋's siste 辦公室出租r-in-law younger sister, married to Mr.Chen said a rich and famous family 設計裝潢 in the "Sin.Drew" city in Taiwan)-郭月珍(林榮烋's sister-in-law older sister, married to 酒店打工LainFoolRen, his art name is Steve Chow 周治平)-蔣京(政大歷史系第二屆)-中午-正午-沈政武(孫傑 school mate or class 租房子mate or friend when they were teen or under teen agers)-沈小星(who companied 嚴樂 to come to USA to visit JungShiauLin the year 200 5912, then they both came again together in the year 2003 Feb. to go to Honduras through Mexico, Guatemala into Honduras driven by JungShiauLin)-"用盡.Sin.G"- 關鍵字行銷蔣孝勇-"中.G"-基中(省立基中 located at 八堵 國小 cross the street)-中基(86-574-87117805/87147030/87123787/87505838/87111330/87198000/87198111)-王中心(886-2-28726261)-王 賣屋孝美(孫欣 middle school classmate or school mate. She likely 女扮男裝 [Why she 女扮男裝 showing up so obviously to let persons like me can see that fake through? Must because that 女扮男裝 sign 酒店工作al underground secret code ]that I saw appearing on stage hosted Angus Tung "Ten.Jean.Yan.Chang.Wheel" media meeting)-郭美貞-台灣錢淹腳目-林鳳嬌-錢文霽-齊豫-余玲-余千千-夏台鳳-虞夏花(her English name Linda Chwee-大風吹 酒店經紀-颱風-楓林)-萬華-王羽-王說-嚴樂-王琳(王雲平[886-3-3551848] brother)-王炎琳(886-2-29452469 886-9-21913777)   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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